What To Do If You Experience Knee Pain

12 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you are going about your day, you may find yourself experiencing knee pain. This could happen all of a sudden with no obvious reason or could happen following a fall or an activity that strains the knee. Whatever the cause may be, you may be wondering what you should do to deal with your knee pain and get to feeling better as soon as possible. Get to know some of the steps to take if you have knee pain. Then, you can get started right away. 


RICE is an acronym for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It should be the first step you take when you experience pain in your knee, particularly if the knee is swollen. You should rest your knee as much as possible by staying off your feet more and by taking a break from working out or exercising. 

You should ice your knee for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day. Compression means that you wrap your knee or wear a supportive brace to help reduce swelling and elevation means to keep your legs up (such as in a recliner) as much as possible as well as to elevate it when you sleep. 

This formula is specifically designed to address injuries and pain and can be highly effective when followed correctly. 

Contact Your Doctor

If RICE does not work to ease your knee pain after a few days, it is a good idea to take the next step of contacting your doctor. Your doctor can take a look at your knee and run tests (like x-rays or other scans) to determine if you have a more severe knee issue than you may have initially believed. 

There are many ways in which your knee can have issues including bone spurs, torn cartilage, ligament damage, arthritis and more. Your doctor can help to determine what is going on so that you can get the best possible treatment. 

Consider Stem Cell Treatments

One of the treatments that may help you, particularly if your knee pain becomes chronic, is knee pain stem cell treatment. It is particularly effective if you have arthritis in the knee joint.

The stem cells are injected directly into the knee joint. These cells then become healthy cartilage cells in the knee joint. This, therefore, can repair the cartilage that is damaged from arthritis, reducing pain in the process.

While this is a relatively new treatment for knee pain, it shows a great deal of promise and can be quite effective at helping with pain reduction in the knee joint. 

Now that you know some of the steps to take when you experience knee pain, you can be sure you take the best possible care of your knees.  
